January 31, 2012
With laws changing to require longer waiting periods and more training for teen drivers licenses, a growing number of teens are choosing to wait until they are older to get their license. According to reports from CW 33 News, a study from the University of Michigan found that in 2008, only 31 percent of 16-year-olds had a license as compared to 46 percent in 1983; for 18-year-olds the numbers were 65 percent in 2008, down from 80 percent in 1983.
These numbers compare two different generations with two completely different sets of laws. In 1983, a teen only needed to be 16-years-old and able to pass a driving test in order to get a license.
Now, although teens can begin a graduated licensing program at age 15, it requires extended classroom and driving hours that can take up to two years to complete. Because of the increased time commitment required, many teens today are choosing to wait to get their license at 18, when requirements are less stringent.
While many feel waiting may make help teens make wiser decisions, others feel that teens need experience on the road to become better drivers.
The Dallas car accident lawyers with Ferrer Poirot Feller would like to hear your opinion on whether or not teens waiting to get their license will make better drivers.