Defective Consumer Products

You expect the items you buy for your home or for medical use to be safe. But when consumer and medical product manufacturers don’t fully test their items for durability and safety, serious injuries and illnesses can occur from these defective products.

The defective product lawyers at Ferrer Poirot Feller know that some items available for purchase for both consumers and medical professionals may cause injuries even when used as directed. It’s our goal to help innocent victims of these products get the money they need to move forward with their lives. Contact us at (800) 210-8503 or fill out a free initial consultation form.

What Makes Our Product Liability Lawyers Different?

Many law firms, especially those that handle personal injury cases, will accept product liability claims. However, these cases are highly specialized, and it’s important to seek help from a firm with extensive experience with defective product cases. At Ferrer Poirot Feller, we’ve built a reputation for the results we achieve in product liability claims.

From defective medical devices to defective drugs to defective consumer goods, our team has years of experience helping injured consumers get the compensation they’re entitled to. Let us put our experience to work for you and your loved ones.

Damages You Could Be Entitled to in Product Liability Claims

The costs of the injuries you’ve suffered because of a defective product are referred to as damages. In a product liability claim, damages often include:

  • Medical expenses – This includes all the costs of the treatment you receive regarding your injury. Common examples of medical expenses include ambulatory care, hospitalization, ongoing doctor appointments, physical therapy, surgeries, etc.
  • Lost wages – The wages you’ve lost and will miss because of your injury should be factored into your defective product claim. Your attorney will work with you to determine how much future income you’ve lost because of the injury you suffered.
  • Pain and suffering – Pain and suffering are referred to as non-economic damages, though they often have very real financial implications for an injured person. The suffering you experience after an injury can greatly impact your relationships and overall quality of life, and they should be factored into your injury claim.

One of the most important reasons to hire an experienced product liability lawyer is to ensure you’re fully aware of how much compensation you’re owed. A seasoned attorney will know how to determine the true extent of the damages you’re facing based on their experience, skill, and understanding of the law.

Who Can Be Held Responsible for Your Injuries?

Manufacturers have an obligation to consumers. They must make sure their products are safe and, if those products carry risks, manufacturers must make those risks clear to consumers. When they fail to do this, they are negligent, and they can be held responsible for the costs of the injuries that consumers suffer because of their products’ defects.

Other parties, such as distributors and sellers, might also carry some liability for the injuries consumers suffer. Attorneys who know these types of cases can evaluate the evidence to find out who bears responsibility for their clients’ injuries.

What Should I Do After Being Injured by a Defective Product?

If you suffer serious injuries, make sure you seek immediate medical treatment and follow your doctor’s orders. You should also do your best to preserve the evidence of your injuries, which means, if possible, keeping the product that caused those injuries and taking pictures of it that your attorney can later use as evidence.

It’s best to contact a lawyer as early as possible, so they can guide you through the entire legal process. Your attorney will advise you on what you should and shouldn’t do during your case, so the sooner they can get to work, the better positioned they’ll be to help you get maximum compensation.

We Know Defective Product Lawsuits

At Ferrer Poirot Feller, we handle a variety of product liability cases, including injuries that result from:


Many occupations use materials that put workers at risk of asbestos exposure. People who inhale asbestos fibers can develop mesothelioma, a rare form of lung cancer that’s often fatal.

Roundup® Weed Killer Cancer

Roundup® Weed Killer Cancer
A study links the main ingredient in Roundup, the most popular herbicide in the world, to an increased risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a type of blood cancer.

Table Saw Injuries

Table Saw Injuries
Many consumer-level table saws are missing important safety features, making it more likely for operators to suffer severe injuries. Common injuries caused by table saws include lacerations and bone fracture injuries, which often require amputation.


The pesticide Paraquat has been linked to cases of Parkinson’s disease in agricultural workers who either directly used or simply came into contact with it.

Talcum Powder

Talcum Powder
Found in many commonly used household products like baby powder, talcum powder has been linked to an increased risk of ovarian cancer in women.

Baby Formula

Baby Formula
Baby formula made by Similac and Enfamil has been linked to Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), which is a potentially fatal disease affecting the intestines of children.

Defective products may leave you seriously injured, out of work, and facing expensive medical bills. Our defective product lawyers want to help you get the money you deserve for your injury-related expenses. Contact us today.

Roundup® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology, LLC, and is used here only to identify the product in question.

This law firm is not associated with, sponsored by, or affiliated with Monsanto Technology, LLC.